Do Not Call. Ever. Ever Ever Ever.


With the passing of the Do Not Call Registry to prevent telemarketers from calling you, over 10 million people have registered so far. That's a lot of people to not call. People generally think of telemarketers as annoying, pushy people. I tend to think of them as a chance to have fun.

I'm usually not mean, I just like to see if I can get them off their script and then see what happens. Whether it's asking if they have an annoying automatic dialer (like I did a couple of weeks ago), just saying "no" no matter how long they keep asking, or coming up with something off the wall (like Elaine telling the long distance telemarketer she had no phone, while talking to him on the phone!).

Maybe I'm just a glutton, but think of all the out of work telemarketers that are going to be a burden on our society when they don't even have a chance to call and offer us a great deal on a vacation.

Or magazine subscription.

Or septic tank cleaner (I actually had that one once).

Or family pictures.

Ok, maybe a lack of telemarketers isn't such a bad thing after all.

Camtoonless Tuesday


"Jer I haven't been the best camtoon maker lately, so I'm skipping a day. I tried making one for today, but it just wasn't funny (and if you've read some of the ones I've made, you can only imagine how not funny it's got to be for me to not put it up).

In it's place, I give you a little something we were playing around with in the offic last week. The introduction of JerHulk!

I've got some good ideas for the camtoons, it's just a little more involved than usual and not something I can whip up in half an hour. If you really want something funny, I've gotten hooked onthe Strong Bad Emails at Homestar Runner. You have to read a couple and get familiar with some of the characters, but I've had belly laughs over some of their flash animations.

Return of the Gallactica, Part 2


While looking around at the new Battlestar Gallactica site last week, I noticed the teaser trailer for the miniseries were out. Most of them seem to be about 10 seconds, and in some of them you wouldn't know it was a Gallactica trailer if it didn't show the logo at the end.

In looking at the style of everything, they seem to have taken some of the classic Gallactica, and mixed in a little of Space: Above and Beyond (which was always thought of as a Gallactica meets Aliens rip-off anyway) with a pinch of the Wing Commander movie (even though I think everyone that played the game thought of it as an unofficial Gallactica game).

While I'm trying not to think whether that's good or bad, I just hope I can watch the series without constantly comparing it to those other series/movies, because it'll be hard enough to watch it without constant comparisons to the original Gallactica.

I can still remember the night I watched the premiere of Battlestar Gallactica. I was living in Florence in the trailer park. My best friend and his little brother came over. We all sat on the couch with our eyes glued to the (then) massive 25" tv. Maybe 25 years later I can sit at my house in the boonies with my best friend , glue my eyes on the (now) massive 53" tv, and do it all over again.

Return of the Galactica


Coming in December, the SciFi channel will be showing a new Battlestar Gallactica mini-series which "revisits" the original series and makes a few changes along the way.

The biggest shock is that now Starbuck's a chick. To take it a step further, Boomer's an Asian chick.

While many people have been appalled, I'm open to the idea. I'm the one that likes the comics that are set in an alternate reality, like the DC Elseworlds books. There have been some female Supermen and Batmen along the way.

So I think I'm looking forward to it. As long as they don't screw it up too bad.

Random Links With Pics Day


If you need help waking up, take a gander at Dion Milam's mugshot. He look to me like he should be saying "I vant to dlink your blood, aah ahh ah!"

To make up for that pic, there's Lingerie Bowl 2004, a PPV to air during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime. It's just here for the gratuitus T&A.

Speaking of T&A, here's some pics of the women of NWA-TNA. I've been slacking in my wrestling-watching of late, so this should be enough of a fix to last me a week or two.

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (26)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
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books/comics (19)
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