Jailbirds Number 2


Scenery interlude to paint some people brought my next set from the Jailbirds series - the Coyote Crew Command. I hadn't realized it had been a year since I painted the first set I had gotten from the series. No real reason to mention the time span other than how you really don't notice things like a year between something as you get elderly. So remember that, kids!

I had nothing special planned for this batch other than to not paint Necromunda buildings as I had been mostly doing for the past 3 months. I primed this set of Jailbirds earlier so they would be ready for when the figure-painting mood struck. The mood had been struck. These minis required some assembly with all the parts interchangeable between bodies - head, arms, torso, bottom half (not each leg). My bane with arms is whenever 2 arms have to hold 1 item/weapon. In an effort to avoid this frustration, I went with 1-arm wielding pieces. Granted, it's not the most realistic look at times. I like to look at it as supporting strong women.

As these minis are flat-footed in terms of bases (ie no protrusions to stick into bases), I decided to pin these and use some pre-made bases that have been sitting in boxes for years. Normally I use paperclips for pins, but paperclips are too big to really fit in the feet/legs of these minis. After asking for suggestions in a couple of Facebook minis groups, the obvious alternative of sewing pins was used. Sewing pins beat out the #2 option of guitar string, mainly because I can pick up pins at Hobby Lobby and have no idea where to start for guitar string and the various sizes it comes in.

Snip, try to reduce mold lines, super glue and use my fancy drill to hollow out pinholes and only go too far 2/5 of the time. Just white primer today, no fancy zenithal this time around. I used a couple of different flesh shades on the 5 minis so they wouldn't look like clones this time around. Everything else was a mixture of Citadel Contrast and Army Painter Speed paints. Nothing too fancy, just focusing on brush technique and trying to stay in the lines as much as I could.

I picked 5 bases from my stash that were pretty simple to paint, or at least I was going to paint them simply. After painting, I sealed the minis and bases so as to not rub off paint when going to drill base holes and glue in the minis. Post drill and mini gluing, I went back with some mostly-unintentionally-dry Hardcoat to gloss up the metallic pieces.

Overall I like what I ended up with. It was a nice excursion from buildings, so much so I'm looking forward to the next phase of buildings I have lined up!

gaming miniatures Jailbirds Minis

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