A mere 7 months after finishing my first Sarissa Trailer I've finished not just the other one, but both
other ones. Other two? Both of those.
On the first trailer from April I painted and weather everything before punching the pieces from the MDF. This time I was going to try a
slightly different tactic which would hopefully help those MDF-colored seams from sticking out. Since I knew, in theory at least, how this
trailer was supposed to fit together, I was going to try to color match the white and striped parts after punching the pieces but before gluing it all together.
And it worked. Pretty much.
I don't think some of my lines are as straight as before, and maybe some pieces don't fit as flush as I would like, but it works. And it didn't take forever to get together, with the associated fretting if any of it's going to work. The special bonus was that I didn't glue any of the walls. With primer, sealant, masking, sealant, stripe, sealant as my process, those layers provided a tight enough fit where things came together. Maybe it'll all fall apart later, but for now it's a nice snap together model.
One thing I waited to do until everything was together was to weather the trailer. Honestly, I had forgotten I had weathered the 1st trailer before putting it all together. Since I had already added the plastic (transparency paper) windows I didn't want to get carried away with weathering and the needed heavy layer of sealant after. Thus, a milder weathering was added. I also skimped on the interior, leaving it primer-white with some paper printed wall decorations. I used my delayed weathering as an excuse as when I went to apply sealant I didn't mask the windows. The sealant helps make for dirty windows where you can see inside, but can't make out any details.
Lastly was the Airstream trailer. I was curious as to how this thing was made since it's an MDF kit. Turns out it's an inner MDF frame with a cardstock shell to bend and glue on. With it being an Airstream my plan was to apply silver spray paint, but the cardstock that comes with these kits tends to soak up spray paint if you're not careful. Luckily I have a plan B - a silver Sharpie and some colored brush-pens to add a little color on the door (because that was a lot of silver) as well as blue-in the windows.
As with any mostly-cardboard thing that has to be applied to curved surfaces, it worked but not as well as I hoped. There's gaps, but I was already starting to tear things apart to get them to fit in the right spot so I left it at good enough.
Now with 3 trailers I can start a proper mobile home community.
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
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