De Plane


It's not much to look at, but above is the result of my P-38 tutorial I talked about the other day. It's not thebest model in the world, but I'm proud of it. I followed the tutorial and didn't get lost in the basics, then when the tutorial said "and now you can add propellers and guns" I manged to figure out how to add propellers and guns.

They're not the prettiest of props or guns, but they are at the very least similar to props and guns.

Now to find another tutorial subject!

programming/interweb random

Movie I'm Not Getting


I like to browse the upcoming new releases just before Tuesday, to see if there's anything I can't live without. After skipping last weeks new releases, I'm more apt to widen my scope of what I would normally get. This blurb from IMDB caught my eye:

Tomboy Commando(Thailand) Action comedy about four members of an all-girl rock band who battle dwarfs and transvestites in their search for a medicine that will change them into guys.

Who could pass up an all-girl rock band battling dwarfs and transvestites?

Well, I guess I can, but it's going to be hard with a sales pitch like that.

movies/tv/dvd random

Male Modeling


After going through my 3DS Max beginners class last week, I'm starting to put some of it to use - by going through some tutorials. Luckily, the tutorial I'm working on is kind of fun. I'm making a P38 Lightning airplane. I wish I could take some screenshots of my desktop at work, because much to my surprise, it actually looks (somewhat) like a P38!

I'm also mixing that in with some of the finer points of switching from VB.NET to C#.NET, but it's not nearly as much fun as making these little CGI models that I've been yearning to learn how to make for years upon years now.

I've got to find a way to take a screenshot, though.

Hoot & Holla


March 12, 2007. 6:38 PM, Eastern Time. The end of an era for myself. By stepping through the threshold of an Atlanta eatery, I could no longer utter the phrase "You know, I've never been to Hooters."

With Joe as my driver, we fought the Atlanta traffic, along with a growing hunger, to Hooters. I had always thought of Hooters as the place with the tight t-shirts and the over priced hot dogs. On this night, I would finally find out if it was true or not.

We entered and found an appropriately bouncy, cheerful, 25-year-old, former cross-country running/soccer playing waitress to wait upon us. Being me, I had to tell her it was my first time to ever go to a Hooters. After that, everyone had to come by and welcome me (although I think a lot of them didn't believe it was my first time). I ordered some wings, which were surprisingly better than I expected for some reason.

We ended up taking about 2 hours for dinner. Joe and I cut up with the waitresses (flirting is part of cutting up, right?). I even got a souvenir mouse pad that I got all the girls to sign. As trite as it sounds, it was a hoot!

But I can't say my phrase any longer....

random road trip



I'm in Atlanta taking part in some 3DS Max training for my new job. I've never had any 3DS Max training. I've only been to Atlanta 1 other time, not counting airport layovers. It's like the workd is a whole new adventure for me.

Unfortunately I'm going to miss Raw at Evil Matt's tonight. And I'll have to delay my weekly Amazon order to make sure I'm there when it arrives. Plus, I won't be going to Movie Stop to trade in some VHS tapes on Wedensday.

I'm old and am set in my ways. This training is really shaking things up.

road trip

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (26)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
Aliens (1)
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antenocitisworkshop (11)
Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
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belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
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books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
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