Time for another update!


Yet another update to my surgical recovery that will never end. This update is not for the squeamish or anyone about to eat. Really, it gets nasty.

Sunday, July 1st I wrote that I was suffering from a fever and was planning on going to my regular doctor if I was still running a fever come Monday. I actually wrote that at 4:00AM. After writing that, I went back to bed.

5 hours later I awoke to find myself in the throes of a post surgical infection. When I went to bed I had a small spot on my right butt cheek that had been draining a little fluid. When I woke up, the left leg of the shorts I was wearing were soaked, as well as the sheet I was wrapped up in. I hopped up to take a shower to try and tell what was really going on, and the left side of my surgical incision was oozing. Not thick enough to really be pus, but something. In fact, after my shower I was oozing enough fluid it was dripping off of me. I was leaving a trail wherever I went.

I called Gina to come look and take care of me. We called the Dr office and got a call back within 5 minutes. The on-call Dr phoned in an antibiotic prescription and told us to show up at the office first thing Monday morning. I had asked about going to the ER, but Gina was against it, thinking it would be more likely I would pick up something else and they would just try flushing my wound out. The rest of the day we spent changing bandages and taking cool showers.

Monday morning at the Dr office he confirmed I did indeed have an infection. He pulled out a suction sucker from the wall and proceeded to suck out some fluid from me. A lot of fluid. And I mean a lot. When I looked at the sucker afterward, it was mounted to the wall about 4 feet high, and the tube went from the wall, looped fown to the floor, then to the actual sucker that was resting on the counter top (so, another 3 feet high). In that 7 feet of tube you could see the red pus/fluid/ooze he sucked out, and that's just what didn't make it all the way into wherever the wall takes it. Nasty.

He ended up cutting 2 holes in my butt. That's all I really know as I haven't seen it. Gina, on the other hand, got to see it, and has seen it twice per day since as she's come to change out dressings and just take care of me.

By Wednesday my fever finally went back to normal. By Wednesday Gina was able to change bandages without audibly gagging. For the whole week I stayed in bed except to go to the bathroom, fix/eat a meal, or sneak onto the computer a couple of times.

This morning we went back to the Dr and he said I was progressing nicely (I think I've heard that before). He wants me to stay home from work for another week. My right side needs more healing than the left (which didn't seem the case 2 days ago), so Gina has to keep changing out bandages and take care of me.

I feel sorry for Gina. She's seen a whole lot of my ass over the last 5 weeks. It's not a sexy ass. It's a post surgical scarred up ass. I'm going to have to start treating her better.

pilonidal cyst

Nyah, I'm Not Really Sick


As a follow up to last week I did hear back from the doctor concerning my question as to if I need another round of antibiotics since I had started to run a fever.


While that was a fine, succinct answer, I'm starting to have issues with it. I'm now on Day 5 of running a fever which is usually in the 99.1-100.7 range. Each night I go through a phase where I sweat through the sheets. My incision, for now, has finally slowed down on the high volume of pus (clear/light pink, so that wasn't a big cause for alarm). In fact, that's been within the last 24 hours so I hope that has been part of the origin for my fever.

Still, I'm not used to having a fever for that long. I can usually take an aspirin and my fever will subside after an hour or two. Not now. So, with that in mind if (when) I'm still running a fever Monday I'm going to head into Dr Mayer's office and get a second opinion from my regular doctor. If he too says I don't need an antibiotic and I'm healing like I'm supposed to, then I'll quietly keep on sweating.

Hope everyone appreciates the lack of pictures associated with this :)

pilonidal cyst

Now I get sick?


This Tuesday I started back to work for the first time in a month. I stayed at work about 2 hours before the combination of sitting discomfort and the fatigue I saw creeping up convinced me to head home and take a nap. Today I repeated, but stayed at work an extra hour. Something has felt off today - I just haven't felt right. I was chalking it up to a combination of being back at work and the doctor cutting off a little more dead tissue on my office visit Monday.

I left work and headed to the chiropractor (part of my normal Wednesday routine). I asked him to poke around on my pressure points to give me a little more energy, as I've been feeling more tired than I think I should. Sure, I'm steal healing and recuperating, but I believe in the power of pressure points! He pressure pointed me, which hurt in a good way, and I was off on my way. In this case, across the street to Sonic because I had that slightly queasy feeling that says "you should eat something." I ate, came home, and took a nap.

Yesterday I napped for barely an hour and felt quite refreshed afterward. Today I napped for a little over 2 hours and felt like crap when I woke up. I ached. Everywhere. Paranoid me notices this as the first step in having the flu. I took my temperature and instead of my normal 97-98, instead had 99.1. Low grade, but normally step #2 in my flue symptoms.

I don't really think I have the flu. I haven't been around anyone enough in the proper time frame for symptoms to be showing up now. After my doctor visit, my incision is requiring a little more maintenance, so I'm more of the mind the fever is to send little antibodies to fight something going on there. The doctor is in the office Monday and Thursday, so if I'm still running a fever in the morning I'll call and see if he thinks I need another round of antibiotics.

Now I think it's time to go take another nap.

pilonidal cyst



One of my projects over the past month was to update my available hard drive space. 8 years ago I was amazed and astounded at what to do with 578GB. That's still a nice chunk of space, but I want more. I always want more.

A couple of years ago I was introduced to Network Attached Storage (NAS). It's a hard drive array that plugs into your network so that multiple computers can access the drives. Perfect for sharing between computers, especially in my case of being one person with multiple computers. I originally had a NAS with 4 drives installed that I used for a combination of backing up files and work that I shared between computers. Now, the backups weren't actual "backups", just copies I dragged over into a folder when I thought about it.

I've been wanting more space so that I can do an honest to God scheduled backup. A month ago I had to reinstall Windows when everything started acting flaky. You would think after re-installing Windows annually I would learn my lesson.

Before my surgery I caught a good sale on another NAS, which was the excuse I was looking for! Last week I finally got around to setting it up and installing the 2 new drives I ordered with it. I salvaged 2 older drives from my old desktop PC (the 2006 Digital Storm) which has just been sitting in the closet. This is also my impetus to pull whatever parts I want to save out of that old thing and then just toss the rest.

Now I have 2 NAS devices with 8 drives I can get to. Between those and the internal drives I've got over 14TB of space, and most of that is sitting empty. Inside the desktop I've got a drive for backups (which should let the backup run faster since it's internal to the computer), and I can copy the backup to one of the NAS drives for safety in case the PC power supply freaks out (nas_6 is dedicated to that for now). The NAS drive space will let me share files between the desktop, laptop, and MacBook, too.

This past Christmas I had enough network cables running hither and yon that I finally got an actual switch to centralize everything.

Only the desktop is on right now, so above shows how it and the 2 NAS devices are plugged into the switch. Then I've got my wireless router plugged into the switch, too. What seems missing, except I know how things are plugged in, is that my cable modem is plugged directly into the switch and not the router. But it all works, and that's all that matters to me right now.

This is a lot easier that copying files on thumb drives to go back and forth. It generates nerdy pictures, too.


12 Days of Star Trek Blu-Rays


2 weeks ago I decided to re-watch all of the Star Trek movies. Around Christmas of 2010, I caught a sale on got the blu-ray versions of all of the movies. The first set contained the first 6 movies featuring the original cast, while the 2nd set had the 4 movies from the Next Generation cast. I had recently picked up the 2009 reboot already in blu-ray, so I was good to go on that one. Each of the 2 sets also contained a bonus disc of special features.

As is my way, the discs have set on a shelf ever since my unboxing of them. I've been wanting to watch them again, and my post-surgical recovery was affording me the perfect opportunity. Being home in bed is a great time to watch movies! Being on drugs and apt to fall asleep often is a great time to watch movies you've already seen! I took this as my impetus to watch a movie per day, so that would give me 11 days of movie watching. Granted, I could have crammed them all into a 1 or 2 day marathon, but why should I be in a hurry? Plus, watching sci-fi movies made from 1979 though 2009 would probably test my tolerance for what could come across today as cheesy.

So I loaded up 1979's Star Trek The Motion Picture on the first day, laid back in the bed, and over the course of 5 hours I watched it. There was a nap or 2 involved. I've probably seen this movie a dozen times since 1979. I remember living in Florence, probably in 1980 or 1981, and it was the $1 Saturday morning movie at the local theater, so I made sure Mom took me! That's why the advent of home video is so good - it lets parents sleep in on Saturdays.

I went through all of the movies and took little notes on the action, trying to see if there was a formula to what they were making. Did every movie have time travel (thinking back it always felt like it). I compiled a little list:

In the 11 Star Trek Movies

- 3 Klingon ships destroyed by V'Ger (ST 1)
- Reliant explodes/self destructs and creates the Genesis planet (ST 2)
- Trader ship & USS Grissom destroyed by Bird of Prey (ST 3)
- Enterprise self destructs (ST 3)
- General Chang's Bird of Prey (ST 6)
- 2 freighters caught in the Nexus ribbon (ST 7)
- Lursa & B'Etor's Bird of Prey (ST 7)
- Borg mother and probe ships (ST 8)
- ??? In the Borg/Federation battle, hard to tell which Fed ships were hit and which were destroyed. (ST 8)
- Son'a ship in the Briar Patch [a 2nd one was left damaged] (ST 9)
- Radiation Harvester self destructs (ST 9)
- Shinzon's ship, destroyed with Data on it (ST 10)
- To be honest so many ships blew up in the beginning that I lost count and never caught back up (ST 11)
- Spock's ship crashing into the Narada, forming a black hole. (ST 11)

- Let's slingshot into 1986! (ST 4)
- Picard exits the Nexus 5 min before he enters (ST 7)
- Borg & Enterprise go back to April 4, 2063 (ST 8)
- Spock goes back to start a new time thread (ST 11)

- V'Ger (ST 1)
- Whale probe (ST 4)

- Genesis Planet (ST 3)
- Praxis (ST 6)
- 2 suns and Veridian III (ST 7)
- Vulcan (ST 11)

- Spock (ST 2)
- Kirk (ST 7)
- Data (ST 10)

Now I can better compare the movies and see what's aged well and what bothers me. My favorite is still Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. It's got action, the characters I remembered growing up with, a good story. The story stalls in a couple of places, but I blame part of that in watching the movie so many times I could probably recite the story. My least favorite, surprisingly, has become Star Trek Generations (ST 7). The characters are just wrong. Picard is moody over the loss of some of his family. Kirk isn't... right. Cinematically, the lighting in the movie is bad, too. Way too dark.

Now I am going to not watch Star Trek for a little while.


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

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