Tales of the Princess Bride


There aren't many books I've read in one sitting. Omit technical books where I've skimmed 400+ pages as a refresher and there's only 1 book I've read in a day, Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers. I'm a notoriously slow reader, so it takes me a while to get through a book.

Now I can add one to the books I've read in a day, or in this case from 7:00PM - 11:30PM. Cary Elwes' As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride is not the second book I've gone through in a day, and the first non-fiction book I've done so with.

Lately I've been watching TV shows via Amazon's streaming video service (currently hooked on Covert Affairs thanks to Gina. I've also been going through my old trade papaerback collections of the 1980's GI Joe comics for my sporadic reading enjoyment. I saw a blurb about Elwes book a few weeks ago and thought it looked interesting. I love The Princess Bride movie, and the 2 stories I heard Elwes quickly recount involved Andre the Giant - I've heard lots of Andre stories through the years but they've always been wrestler-centric. This book quickly made it on my short list to get. Last week I was putting together an Amazon order, mainly because I needed to restock the protein bars I like, and I decided to sneak As You Wish into my order. It arrived yesterday morning - one of the perks of Amazon Prime membership is Sunday USPS delivery which I now assume includes holiday (Veteran's Day) delivery. I cracked open the book after eating dinner and kept it open until I was finished.

It's a good book, albeit a little heavy on the praise for everyone else that worked on the movie. But with that, you get the feeling that everyone on the movie loved what they were doing and got along well. There are stories about casting, rehersals, and most of all the ever present preparation for the greatest swordfight of modern times. For fans of the movie, this is a fun read, otherwise its content would be lost on you.

books/comics movies/tv/dvd

7 seasons of Californication Complete


This weekend I wrapped up 7 seasons of Californication on Amazon Prime's streaming service. I never watched the show before all 7 seasons became available (for free), but it had long been on my "to watch" list as it fits in a special category which I tend to like: boobs & banter. Being a Showtime series, the boobs & banter lean toward the more mature side.

I've mentioned the show to Jerry as I was getting caught up in watching the series, describing it as spoiler-free and using my special blend of obtuse references that only I can make up on the spur of the moment.

It's a show where the guy from the X-Files is a drinking, sexed-up writer of some fame who has a teenage daughter with the chick from George Clooney's version of Solaris. Even though the show is really about the relationship between father and daughter, my favorite part is the banter between the father and the bald guy from Sex & the City who married Charlotte. There's boobs a-plenty, although some shows only have the boobs in the "previously on..." prelude.

See, a synopsis that doesn't give a damn thing away yet tells exactly what the show is about, assuming you know who was in X-Files, Solaris, and Sex & the City.

After watching 84 half-hour episodes (12 episodes per season), I can whole heartedly say I enjoyed the first 5 seasons. The last 2, meh. The final one I would have been ok skipping completely, but halfway through season 7 I decided the completest in me had to watch the whole thing.

The surprising thing I like from the show ended up being the guitar/instrumental music used in the opening and closing credits. The opening credits theme got on my nerves originally, but somewhere along the way I started to enjoy it. I think I was mentally playing Guitar Hero as the guitar riffed away. The end credits switch up the music, sometimes it's a known song (or a cover), other times it's an instrumental that sounds vaguely familiar.

This isn't a show for everybody. Honestly I can only think of 1 person I would suggest might possibly enjoy the show, and he's mentioned at the top of the post. The prevalence of boobs and thesaurus of 4-lettered euphemisms peppered throughout would offend most people I associate with. Not me though. I'm indefendable.

Does that mean what I want it to mean? I bet it doesn't. Mu$*a F&*.... I mean, drat!


Dead Walking Season 4... No, 1?


This evening, after having a pretty good day, I decided to eschew my normal routine of watching and coding along with some Unity tutorials and instead popped in disc 1 of season 4 of the Walking Dead, freshly delivered to my stoop yesterday. At the end of the first episode I was completely lost.

The gang is back at the prison. There's a whole gaggle of people milling about and I don't understand who they are or why they got there.

Somehow I've skewed story lines between the comic and the tv show. I knew it would happen. I remember it happening a little when I was watching a couple of episodes from season 3. But I've got some Walking Dead Dementia/Alzheimer's going on now.

Is would make the most sense to either re-watch the last episode or two from season 3, or more easily go online and look at season summaries. But this is an opportunity for me to start over and re-discover the episodes. I like Walking Dead as it captures what I like about the zombie genre - you're not going to win, just see how long you can survive. I think I remember most of what happens in the first season, but I'm going to start over with episode 1 anyway.

I watch movies multiple times and enjoy them. I've watched the entire run of Friends and Frasier multiple times. Why should I feel so bad doing the same for Walking Dead?


Star Trek Enterprise Part Deux


While hip deep in actual work for the past month+, I've been re-watching Start Trek Enterprise in my down time. With 43 minute episodes that I've seen before, there's less chance of accidentally getting sucked into a watching marathon.

I watched parts of the first season when it first aired in 2001. Once the series was released on DVD in 2005 I finally watched the whole series. Since then, I don't think I've watched a complete episode. It was with a little trepidation that I started over with episode 1 as I didn't have the fondest memories of the series. Much to my surprise, I've been enjoying this 10 year old sci-fi series a lot more than I think I did in 2005.

Firstly, outside of the pilot episode it seems I don't remember any of the episodes. While this may mean the specific plot points were forgettable, it also means for the past month it's felt like I've seen all new episodes. Next, I don't remember as many CGI special effects in the show. Or space battles. Pew pew pew!

Yesterday I finished up season 3, which (as I remember) wrapped up the big story arc of the show even though the season finale ended on a cliffhanger. We'll season what happens over season 4 as I have free time this coming week.

Once I finish Enterprise (for the second time, ever) I've got my normal backlog of DVDs that have been released over the past month. There's also a couple of TV shows in that mix for me:

  • Game of Thrones, Season 3 - This is one I've been looking forward to and know it will lead to a weekend marathon where I watch the whole season. This batch of shows is the reason I started watching Enterprise again, as I knew I didn't have a weekend I could waste in front of the TV.
  • Arrow, Season 1 - I got this on sale for $15 at Target. I'm led to believe this is the Green Arrow version of Smallville. I liked Smallville. I had planned on waiting until Arrow had produced more seasons before trying it out (nothing worse than getting enthralled in a show and then having it suddenly cancelled/unavailable), but for $15....
  • Boardwalk Empire (Seasons 1-3) - Another sale pickup that I've just been delaying getting into.

I've got plenty to do in my free time. I just need the free time again.


Movie Watchin


Over the past week I've been re-watching some older movies thanks in part to working more from home thanks to warnings of Snowpocalypse 2014 along with actually staying home for fear of getting caught out in Snowpocalypse 2014. That's ok, I like being at home. I've got food, I've got power, I've got the internet, and I've got more ways to entertain myself than I can keep up with. It hit me some time last week that most of my friends have hobbies that get them out of the house. Most of them are married, and most of those have kids, so they're looking for excuses to get out of the house. All of my hobbies keep me in the house because I have no one to escape from. Plus, I'm a home-body.

I was digging through the movie collection and pulled out a couple of old ones to watch again. The first one was the 2012 remake of Total Recall. I remember being less than impressed the first time I watched it. A year or so has passed, and this time I didn't have as high an expectation of the movie due in part to forgetting most of what this version was about since the last time I had seen it. In addition, I didn't compare it to the Schwartzenegger original. Thanks to this attitude I found the 2012 remake quite enjoyable, much more so than the first time I watched it.

The 2nd movie I re-watched was last year's World War Z, which had nothing to do with the book by the same name. I enjoyed the book - it's one of the few zombie books I've read. I knew going into the movie that it would have nothing in common with the book as it was pretty much advertised as such. Even then, while watching the movie I couldn't stop myself from thinking how the book was better. Watching the movie this time, I looked at it as just another zombie movie. It was much more enjoyable that way.

All of this brings me to a new DVD release for this week - Ender's Game. This movie is based on a book published in 1985 that is a sci-fi classic. Quite a good sci-fi classic, and one of the few books that my slow reading speed has pored through more than once. Once again, I tried to watch a movie,one where I pretty much knew what was going to happen before everything started, with an open mind. It was a pretty movie, but I had problems.

I'm not sure if I was trying to pay too much attention, but it seemed they were leaving out plot points, or at least some explanations of how and why certain things were happening. I know the story as presented by the book so I always knew what was going on, but I was questioning how the movie was explaining the events as they happened.

The beginning of the movie felt rushed, maybe because they shoved the first ¼ of the book into the first 15 minutes. A lot of the "why" of some of the events seemed to be skipped, and one part that I thought was important was a made up sci-fi word said during a training sequence that's said again at the end of climatic action sequence. If you know what the made up sci-fi word is supposed to be, the next 5 minutes after the climatic action sequence make a lot more sense. The script finally tells you what happens after those 5 minutes, so maybe building up tension was the point?

Now I'll wait a year and think about watching Ender's Game again. My expectations will be lowered. Maybe I won't compare it to the book. I have hope - my favorite sci-fi book is Starship Troopers and I never had any problem with any of the movies. Or TV show. Or video game. Oh, and the board games. Wait, what was I complaining about?


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

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