3 Weeks Later


Wow, 4 weeks between updates. I wish I could say I've been too busy to post, but really there hasn't been that much going on. If anything, I've start to find myself with a little free time.

The biggest thing that I'm looking forward to is that in 2 weeks I'm taking a motorcycle safety class via the local Harley Davidson dealer to learn how to drive a motorcycle. I would say ride, but I can hang on and stay upright. Shifting and not running into things is what I'm worried about. I'm also worried about getting proper riding gear before the class. I've ordered a helmet (2X), jacket(5X), and gloves(3X) through Amazon and so far only the gloves have fit. I ordered a 4X helmet that should come in sometime this week, so we'll see how I do from there. I'm kind of giving up on the jacket right now.

The first thing everybody has asked when I tell them about taking the class is "what motorcycle are you going to get?" Maybe I'm going about this wrong, but I haven't picked out a motorcycle yet. First I'm going to see if I enjoy the class. If I'm scared the whole time, it's not for me. The main reason I'm taking the class is that casual riding on a pretty Spring day looks fun, and if I knew how to ride I might do it, so let's see how plausible this scenario is going to end up.

I had talked to Gina about doing this a couple of years ago. Then one day on the way home from work I was behind a guy about my size who was on a motorcycle. Surrounding him were cars, cars of DEATH! In that instant I remember thinking "If I was on a motorcycle I would kill myself" and with that the desire to ride quickly went away. Since last October (I think) Gina and I started riding bicycles and I've gotten comfortable on 2 wheels again. I also don't think I would ride in the middle of evening rush hour traffic, at least not while learning my limits. Now I'm going to at least follow through with learning the basics of how to not kill myself.

If I can find a helmet that fits this bowling ball of a head I have.


Calling 'Mania


I'm not sure how long I've been doing it, but yesterday I made my annual call to Jason at Wrestlemania. This year, after having to leave messages the past two years, I actually got a hold of him! He's a busy man, so I expect to leave a message most of the time, but I still get a kick out of talking to him when I catch him. Although I Just saw him in Nashville less than 2 months ago, talking to him when he's getting ready for the biggest show of the year just makes my wrestling giddiness switch into overdrive.

When I called him, Fantasia was practicing "America the Beautiful" and I heard Jason telling her where she could stand, what the camera would do, that the metal grate would be covered by a red carpet, etc. A few years back I managed to call when Motorhead was tuning up. Evidently I've got the timing of the musical acts down!

I got my annual call in, which oddly had the least amount of wrestling than any of my normal, annual calls. I may blame part of that on sending Jason more text messages than normal over the past two months, which in part comes from the February Raw Matt and I went to and its associated backstage tour - you know, where I moved a Diva.

Later that night I went to Matt's and we watched Wrestlemania 26 in all of its HD glory. I had a paltry 44% success rate in picking the winners of the matches I knew about beforehand, which either means I'm not paying enough attention during the normal tv matches or somebody backstage is flipping a coin on who will when while the entrance music is playing. Like most Wrestlemania's I ended up paying more attention to the entrance stage and the lighting than normal. Jason's good at his job, and this is one of those times when he shines (bad pun for a lighting guy, sorry about that). My favorite new thing of the night was a cylindrical tron/monitor that came down from the lighting rig above the ring. When Randy Orton won, the tron lowered to make a nice video backdrop as Randy posed on the turnbuckle.

But today Wrestlemania is over. At least until next year. In Atlanta. Which is close. Now I have 12 months to find enough blackmail material to make Jason smuggle me in.


Russell Spears (1917-2009)


Googling yourself is nothing new. Everybody does it. How else would I know I'm also a Psychology professor in England? Today I Wikipedia'd myself, and found that I had died last March.

Ok, not me specifically, but someone with which I shared a name. I went on to learn more about the elder Mr Spears through his obituary and learned that he was a craftsman who helped others. In between helping he also had 12 children. In the list of children's names, I found a kindred spirit with my namesake. Whether he knew it or not, he shared my sense of humor as he had a son named Lance.

The sheer redundancy of "Lance Spears" has always made me giggle. I've always said that if I were to ever have a son I would name him "Lance". Or "Guntar", but it would be pronounced "Goooon-TAR". But "Lance" was always my first choice. Maybe it comes form a childhood of being named "Rusty Spears" and never realizing it was a joke?

For now I'm still alive. No Wikipedia entry. No psychology text-books authored. No sons named "Lance" or "Guntar". If I live to see 92 that'd be a heck of an accomplishment for me. 42 might be an accomplishment. We'll see if I have a follow up to this next year :)




Thursday morning I awoke from not just a dream, but a series of dreams. In fact, I kept going back to sleep to find out what would happen next. Much like my dream of the one-eyed monster, this doesn't make a lick of sense.

After that I couldn't force myself back to sleep anymore. Now to go over the fun stuff!

Dream 1: "Poot" Smith? Of everything above, the part that's stuck in my head the most has been 1940's newspaper reporter "Poot" Smith. I've got nothing there.

Dream 2: I don't know the last time I wore pajamas, much less pajama bottoms. I'm pretty sure the last time I managed a jog was 1985. Plumbers crack happens more often than I want to admit.

Dream 3: The house was really one some friends of Mom and Dad had in St Florian. From what I remember it was hex-sided and at least 3 stories, out in the woods near either a lake or a river. I would have been around 4th grade age, so I don't remember much else except it was a neat looking house.

Dream 4: The woman hooked up to the dialysis machine was very reminiscent of one of the ladies I worked with at Humana in the Pharmacy.

None of this explains where the parts of my dream came from, just that all the parts are wierd. Like me, I guess.

So, until next time, "Adirondack!"


May the Force be with you. Until April.


I few years ago I started collecting pieces from the Star Wars Miniatures game. It was the first collectible game I ever really got into, and I think Jerry and I might have even played a game once. I've oft been one to collect games (rules, parts, pieces, etc) and never play, and the Star Wars game fell into that. I even started to get the rulebooks they were putting out for the RPG. I never intended to play the game, but I used to enjoy just reading the rules of games to see how they worked.

Yep, I've been a nerd for a looong time.

Wizards of the Coast, distributors of the Star Wars Miniatures game, recently announced they would no longer be distributing the Star Wars games as they would not be renewing their license with Lucasfilm when it expires in May. The last scheduled product for the the miniatures and RPG lines will still ship, but after that it won't be Wizards filling your nerd Star Wars needs.

Odds are somebody else will pick up the license, but to be honest Wizards of the Coast is the best out there right now. Before Wizards got the license, West End Games had the rights. Different distributors is nothing new in the RPG market - the Star Trek license has been used by at least 5 companies depending on which games you actually count.

One of the fun by-products of reading all of those rules is that it gets your mind wandering about what would work for a game. Jerry and I tried our hand at combining some rules from various games to make a miniatures based war game. The miniatures (ok, toys) we used were Mega Force vehicles. Lots of vehicles. and Legos for buildings. And cotton for smoke. At that point, rules were just an excuse to play with all of that.

Now I'll have a couple hundred Star Wars miniatures to play around with. Hmmm, Keith's boys just liquidated their HeroScape stock (probably 3 or 4 set worth of tiles) that I've still got to merge with my own. I bet I could recreate Endor with Star Wars Miniatures and HeroScape. Just how nerdy am I supposed to be at 41?

We'll see how far this train of thought goes in the coming days.

boardgames gaming miniatures

Blog Archive

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